Organic Twist


Wild Chai Spice (40g)

This spice blend is our twist on chai spice, and it complements our cacao perfectly. Just a teaspoon of spice adds a wonderful extra dimension to each cup of cacao you brew.

Raw Cacao Paste

Raw Cacao Paste makes super tasty and healthy chocolate products and drinks. It is used during cacao ceremonies.


Diatomaceous Earth (500g)

One of the unique properties of diatomaceous earth is its ability to absorb moisture and odors, making it useful in many household applications. It is also non-toxic and safe for humans and animals to ingest in small quantities, making it a popular natural remedy for digestive issues and detoxification.

Date Paste (250g)

Date syrup, also known as date honey, is a sweet syrup made from dates that is commonly used as a natural sweetener in various cuisines.
